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When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalker you control can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.)

Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.) Set: Commander 2020 Type: Creature — Elemental Otter Rare Cost: {2}{U}{U} Flying When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can Gatherer is the Magic Card Database.

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(2020-04-17) When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.) When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.) When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.) From Commander 2020.

Welcome to Aeon! Aeon is an animated series on YouTube created by IceriftFyera. It was first announced in 2015, and the first episode hit YouTube in January 

Flying. When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one.

Eon frolicker

Set: Commander 2020 Type: Creature — Elemental Otter Rarity: Rare Cost: {2}{U}{U} FlyingWhen Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one.

Eon frolicker

(You and planeswalkers you control can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything controlled by that player.) When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can’t be targeted, dealt damage, or … Set: Commander 2020 Type: Creature — Elemental Otter Rarity: Rare Cost: {2}{U}{U} FlyingWhen Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection … Eon Frolicker ( Commander 2020, # 33 ) - This is the only printing of this card. Sign up to add this card to your Inventory, Wishlist or Tradelist, and to start creating decks with it. We also have an excellent trading opportunities finder tool that gets you trading in seconds! MTGO WikiPrice is the leading Magic the Gathering Online card pricing system with thousands of MTGO bots that buy and sell the cards you're looking for Buy Eon Frolicker (C20), a digital item for Magic: the Gathering Online at Cardhoarder.

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Eon frolicker

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Creature — Elemental Otter (5/5) Flying. When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player.
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Set: Commander 2020 Type: Creature — Elemental Otter Rare Cost: {2}{U}{U} Flying When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one. Until your next turn, you and planeswalkers you control gain protection from that player. (You and planeswalkers you control can

When Eon Frolicker enters the battlefield, if you cast it, target opponent takes an extra turn after this one.